December photos
Just uploaded a heap of photos that I've taken on my phone over the last month:
photos, photography
stuff and nonsense (possibly)
Just uploaded a heap of photos that I've taken on my phone over the last month:
photos, photography
Thursday night was reading the first chapter of Mark's gospel, where Jesus first starts getting famous.
Just then a man in their synagogue who was possessed by an evil spirit cried out, 'What do you want with us, Jesus of Nazareth? Have you come to destroy us? I know who you are—the Holy One of God!'One thing that surprised me about this ^ bit in particular was that someone with a demon in them (whether that means he was literally possessed by a bad spirit or if it was some kind of biological illness) was actually allowed into the synagogue, and whether everyone knew he had a demon in him. And I suppose it was lucky he was allowed in, because otherwise he wouldn't have been healed.
'Be quiet!' said Jesus sternly. 'Come out of him!' The evil spirit shook the man violently and came out of him with a shriek.
(Mark 1:23-26)
Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed. Simon and his companions went to look for him, and when they found him, they exclaimed: 'Everyone is looking for you!'
Jesus replied, 'Let us go somewhere else—to the nearby villages—so I can preach there also. That is why I have come.' So he traveled throughout Galilee, preaching in their synagogues and driving out demons.
Kitty sent me this on Wednesday morning:
C mon Melbourne lets spread the message that Aussies of middle eastern appearance ARE welcome here!I forwarded it on, then realised half the people I sent it to were actually in the Western district, or interstate. By the time I had gotten to work one of the people had already sent it on to one of my workmates whose number I didn't have myself.
Posted by Christop at 12:38 pm
Labels: activism, Australia, Melbourne, mobile phones, nonviolence, racism
John Howard said yesterday 'I do not accept that there is underlying racism in this country.'. Lucky he said that, otherwise I would've had the wool pulled over my eyes, good and proper.
In case you're in a different country and haven't heard about it, the weekend before last some Australians, who looked Middle-Eastern, bashed some lifeguards at Cronulla beach, in Sydney.
During the week text messages were sent between Australians of Caucasian ancestry, telling each other to take revenge against 'Lebs and Wogs'.
At least 5000 Caucasians turned up at the beach on Sunday. Various white-supremacist organisations were present, including the Patriotic Youth League. Many had t-shirts saying things like 'Wog Free Zone' and 'Ethnic Cleansing Unit'.
They assaulted several people who looked Middle-Eastern or Southern-European. They also attacked police and ambulance officers who were trying to get Australians of Middle-Eastern and Southern-European appearance out of the area safely.
Luke Connors from the Patriotic Youth League said, 'I have had people calling me all through yesterday, and today, and all through the night, just asking me when Melbourne is going to erupt in riots because they want to go and join in.'
And all this time they've been trying to get us worried about terrorists of Middle-Eastern origin.
But I'm glad the PM has cleared everything up. I was worried for a moment.
Yesterday was the third Make Poverty History day for the year, which was to influence the World Trade Organisation while they meet in Hong Kong this week. At the Arboretum (Boronia's version of Lake Wendouree) we had a concert and a fair trade market. People could buy shoes, soccer balls, coffee, tea and jewellery that was made by people in developing countries who were actually paid a decent wage. For a while I looked after the Tear stall, where people could buy stuff like text books, goats and clean water for people overseas. (Their gift catalogue is here.)
Towards the end of the concert, John Smith talked a bit about Santa Claus, and how the original Santa Claus wasn't much like the jolly fat man we have these days. Saint Nicholas was actually a rather affluent man who gave up his wealth to help aleviate poverty.
He also talked about how it's pretty easy to give to a charity at Christmas to make us feel good about ourselves, after a year of self indulgence. It's a lot more challenging to change the way we live, particularly the way we use our wealth, from day to day.
About a week ago now I had an American telemarketer call me up and ask if I was interested in a free holiday. I said I wasn't. She sounded like she couldn't believe it: 'You don't want a free holiday?!'
I said, 'Not interested! Not interested! Not interested!'
She asked how old I was.
Next time I think I will say something rather ridiculous.
Sunday night, on the train back to Ferntree Gully there was this guy I have seen before, who has a Public Enemy tatoo on the back of his shaved head and caribiners through his ear lobes. Seen him dancing and doing handstands on the train before.
Anyway, this time he got in between two of the carriages and climbed up on top of the train. When we came into the next station the train cops chased him.
I would just like to say that I met the frontman from Wolfmother earlier in the year, before anyone had heard of them. Can't remember his name though.
I guess it depends how you measure success,Just heard this song, by The Winnie Coopers, on Triple J. (Heard it before, but didn't catch who it was.) Full lyrics are here, and if you sign up for their newsletter here you can download it for free.
I can still breathe I am still blessed,
I guess it depends how measure success,
‘cause all these possessions just don’t impress
On the weekend there was a local election here. I didn't vote because I haven't been here long enough to re-enrol. But I talked to a few of my high school friends about who they voted for and why. I also asked a baby boomer about who they voted for, and they got upset.
I was brought up not to talk about politics or about who people vote for, but most of the people I'm around these days talk about all this openly, so I think it must be a generational difference.
So do you think it's okay to talk about politics, or to talk to someone about who they (or you) voted for?
I was also wondering if there are any laws about it.
This article from The New Yorker, about C.S. Lewis and his Narnia books makes and interesting point:
The moral force of the Christian story is that the lions are all on the other side. If we had, say, a donkey, a seemingly uninspiring animal from an obscure corner of Narnia, raised as an uncouth and low-caste beast of burden, rallying the mice and rats and weasels and vultures and all the other unclean animals, and then being killed by the lions in as humiliating a manner as possible—a donkey who reemerges, to the shock even of his disciples and devotees, as the king of all creation—now, that would be a Christian allegory.Props to Neil Gaiman.
Yesterday afternoon I was at the library reading Thud! and remembered that I never blogged about Going Postal, which I read a few months ago. Both books are from Terry Pratchett's Discworld series, which I suppose is satirical fantasy.
In Going Postal Moist von Lipwig, a conman, is convicted to death. However, Lord Vetinari, the Patrician of Ankh-Morpork, gives him an opportunity to start a new life as the manager of the city's dormant and possibly redundant postal service. While trying to revive the postal service he realises how much his crimes affected other people. He also discovers how far the Grand Trunk clacks (semaphore) company will go to make sure the postal service doesn't make a come-back.
I've been reading the book of Job over the last couple of weeks. Finished it this morning.
The book of Job is a really long poem, with prose bits at the start and finish.
In the first prose bit, YHWH is talking to Satan about Job, and what a good person Job is. Satan says that Job is only a good person because he is filthy rich, rather healthy for his age and has a model family. So YHWH makes a bet with Satan, that if Satan takes away Job's wealth, health and children, Job will still be a good person.
The poem it basically Job asking why YHWH has let his children to be killed, and him to become poor and sick. His friends tell him that it must be because he's not really as good as everyone thought, or that perhaps YHWH doesn't even care what happens to insignificant human beings. One of Job's friends, Elihu, says,
Bear with me a little longer and I will show youSeems a lot like hubris. Elihu seems to reckon that he is absolutely right about everything, which (from my experience) is just asking for trouble.
that there is more to be said in God's behalf.
I get my knowledge from afar;
I will ascribe justice to my Maker.
Be assured that my words are not false;
one perfect in knowledge is with you.
(Job 36:2-4)
The wings of the ostrich flap joyfully,YHWH points out to Job and his friends the unlikeliness of an animal like the ostrich being sustainable. Perhaps YHWH is pointing out that he is involved with the world, refuting Job's friends' assertions that God is not interested in the problems of human beings?
but they cannot compare with the pinions and feathers of the stork.
She lays her eggs on the ground
and lets them warm in the sand,
unmindful that a foot may crush them,
that some wild animal may trample them.
She treats her young harshly, as if they were not hers;
she cares not that her labor was in vain,
for God did not endow her with wisdom
or give her a share of good sense.
Yet when she spreads her feathers to run,
she laughs at horse and rider.
(Job 39:13-18)
Monday night I watched Speaking in Tongues (John Safran and Father Bob's new current affairs/spiritual/talk show). Their first guest was Solreta Antaria, an Indigo Child. They believe that some people these days are psychically evolved, and can communicate with each other using 'star language'. So they got her to say some stuff in star language, and if anyone thought they understood it, they were supposed to email their translation in. It sounded a lot like how a lot of Pentecostals sound when they speak in tongues.
I have a job now! At Sean's party my friend Jess said that her dad is always looking for more cleaners. So on Monday I called him up. He got back to me Tuesday night and asked if I could come in to Nauru House and work yesterday.The Nauruan government build Nauru House as an investment when they realised that their superphosphate was going to run out.
The whole island of Nauru is made of superphosphate, which is baiscally fossilised bird crap, and is very good for making fertiliser. So for ages Nauru sold it's superphosphate to Australia, and was a really really rich country.
When the superphosphat started to run out they made heaps of investments in important cities, like Batmania. When Nauru House was built in the '70s it was Batmania's tallest building. And they bought 80 Collins Street and knocked it down, so they could say that Nauru House was at 80 Collins Street. It was octagonal, and there was a great big pillar of superphosphate out the front.
Nauru's economy got stuffed up in the '90s, and in recent years they're been asking Australia for a homeland, because their's will be underwater before long, due to global warming.
Anyway, yesterday I was at 80 Collins Street cleaning up one of the floors where all the interior walls had beed demolished. There's no work today, but there probably will be tomorrow. Once I start at Urban Seed I'll just be cleaning an office block in Syndal, on weekends.
Sean’s 21st was Saturday night. But I lost my invitation. I remembered that it was going to be somewhere in Sydenham (on the western edge of Batmania), at his parents’ house. So I got the phone book and found all the entries for Sean’s last name that where in Sydenham. There were only three, so I called them all up. The first two said I had the wrong number, and the third didn’t answer. So I decided to catch the train to Sydenham and hope there was someone else on the train that was going to the party.
So I caught the train into the city, and then got on the Sydenham train. At Footscray this group of about ten teenage guys and girls were getting off. Another group of three guys were getting on and they got into a fight, which lasted until the doors of the train started closing, at which point one of the guys who’d gotten on the train yelled out, ‘Come down ta Sunshine an’ try that!’ Apparently one of the guys in the other group had attacked him, to get him back for hitting him over the head with a steel bar and cracking his head open.
Luckily for me, Ryan also got onto the train at that station, and he knew where the party was.
Smurf Jesus, originally uploaded by blese.
There's been an interesting conversation going on over at Waving or Drowning?
C.S. Lewis says something in Mere Christianity about Jesus being either the son of God, a lunatic or a demon, and there being no room for one to consider his as simply a wise teacher. Robert disagrees. He doesn't believe Jesus was the son of God, but still thinks a lot of Jesus teachings are good.
Read here.
Earlier this week I read Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (the most recent one). I'd been putting it off, because I'd been very disappointed with Order of the Phoenix (not much seemed to happen until the last couple of chapters), and had been told Half-Blood Prince was more of the same. But I quite liked this one.
There's an article here at Yahoo! News about the people who reckon Harry Potter encourages children to get involved in occult and pagan stuff.
And there's a pretty brief article here at Relevant, about Christian stuff in Harry Potter.
There's this bit in Waking Life where the protagonist is in a cinema, watching two men, who seem to be in a cafe, talking about film. One of them says,
Cinema in its essence is about an introduction to reality. It's just that reality is actually reproduced. For Bazin, its not like a story telling medium, really. He feels like literature is better for telling a story than film. You know, if you tell a story, like a joke, like this guy walks into a bar, he sees a dwarf, that works really well because you're imagining this guy and this dwarf in the bar and there's this kind of imaginative aspect to it. But in film, you don't have that because you actually are filming a specific guy, in a specific bar, with a specific dwarf, of a specific height, who looks a certain way, right? So for Bazin, what the ontology of film has to do with is also what photography has to do with, except it has this dimension of time to it, and this greater realism to it. So it's about that guy, at that moment, in that space. And you know, Bazin is a Christian, so he believes that God obviously ended up being everything, and for him reality and God are the same. So what film is actually capturing is like God incarnate, creating. And this very moment, God is manifesting as this. And what the film would capture if it was filming us right now would be like God as this table, and God as you, and God as me, and God looking the way we look right now, and saying and thinking what we're thinking right now, because we are all God manifest in that sense. So film is actually like a record of God, or the face of God, or the ever changing face of God.André Bazin was a French film critic who believed that film should (and could) show objective reality.
Posted by Christop at 2:39 pm
Labels: films, God, philosophy, Richard Linklater, theology
Spent most of yesterday at Urban Seed, framing the pictures for this ^ exhibition, and I'm helping set up today.
Pain in the Arts is Urban Seed's art group, that meets in Credo after lunch on Wednesdays, and at the end of each year they have an exhibition. Apparently DeeDee's dad's opening it this year.
Mr T is going to do a reality show called I Pity The Fool where he helps people deal with fools. He says he'll more likely be wearing a suit and bow-tie than his gold chains.
"Because of the situation we're in now (after Katrina), I told myself, 'No, T, you can never wear your gold again. ' It's an insult to God."props to Kyle
Posted by Christop at 8:34 pm
Labels: affluence, God, Hurricane Katrina, Mr T, television
This is a picture of the last four Tasmanian Aborigines, including Truganini.
I read some more of the book of Esther on the bus to Batmania this morning.
In Chapter 2, the King starts to miss his wife (who he may or may not have had killed). So there's a beauty contest to try and find a new Queen. Esther 'wins', (Susan posted a little while ago on just how 'lucky' Esther probably was) but nobody knows that she's a Jewish exile, because Esther is a Babylonian name. (Her Jewish name was Hadassah.)
Grant Wildman from Tabor in Adelaide reckoned this was kind of like if during the war against the Aborigines someone who was part Aboriginal managed to gain a lot of influence in white society, due to the fact that they just seemed Caucasian.
(One of my friends wanted to do a theatre production based on Esther's story, and asked Grant for any ideas.)
In Chapter 3, Mordecai finds out that Haman, the King's favorite nobleman, wants to kill all the Jewish people, because Mordecai refused to bow to him. He asks the King if he can, and the King says he can.
I found it interesting what Haman said to the King to convince him:
There is a certain people dispersed and scattered among the peoples in all the provinces of your kingdom whose customs are different from those of all other people and who do not obey the king's laws; it is not in the king's best interest to tolerate them.Just reminded me heaps of the paranoia toward Muslims and Arabs in Western countries since the War of Terror began.
(Esther 3:8)
Started reading the book of Esther the other day, including the deuterocanonical bits. (I'll post on why I've been reading the deuterocanonical books later.)
Anyway, some people reckon it shouldn't be included in the scriptures at all, some because it doesn't directly mention YHWH, and others because it's debated whether it is a historical book or a Jewish remix of a story from the Babylonian mythology. And other people don't like it because the Greek version has bits that the Hebrew version doesn't. Either way, I don't doubt that it's useful.
There's a great big elephant of an argument going on about the book of Esther it here at Wikipedia.
Anyway, so far I've read the first Septuagint bits, where Esther's relative Mordecai saves the King of Babylon from a conspiracy.
And I've read the first chapter from the Tanakh version, where the Queen doesn't do what the King says. Men all over the country start to worry that they won't be able to tell their wives what to do anymore either, so the King has the Queen executed.
Street Smarts is the blog of an art teacher at an inner-city public school in Celveland:
The Cleveland Municipal School District is a system fraught with the challenges inherent to a large district and an impoverished city. I am publishing this journal in response to those who are quick to criticize "those lazy, greedy, teachers". I offer you a glimpse into my world. I have always been a student of behavior. As a child, I would tame wild creatures and befriend strays. When I grew up, my natural empathy helped me become adept at observing, understanding and predicting human behavior, as well as discovering and studying what inspires and motivates people. Especially fascinating, are relationships; who we choose to associate with, and why; how we interact with one another, and how we affect each others lives.Also, for some reason I got hits from two closely linked Cleveland blogs (Cleveland Humour and Surfing Lake Erie) yesterday, and can't work out why.
I think I'm going to do a few posts about Waking Life, so this will be an index post.
free will (and intro)
André Bazin and panentheism
Here is another monologue from Waking Life, which I think balances out the monologue from the free will post:
The reason why I refuse to take existentialism as just another French fashion or historical curiosity is that I think it has something very important to offer us for the new century. I'm afraid we're losing the real virtues of living life passionately, in the sense of taking responsibility for who you are, and the ability to make something of yourself. And feeling good about life. Existentialism is often discussed as if it's a philosophy of despair, but I think the truth is just the opposite. Sartre, once interviewed, said he never really felt a day of despair in his life. But one thing that comes out from reading these guys is not a sense of anguish about life so much as a real kind of exuberance, a feeling on top of it. It's like your life is yours to create. I've read the postmodernists with some interest, even admiration, but when I read them I always have this awful nagging feeling that something absolutely essential is getting left out. The more that you talk about a person as a social construction, or as a confluence of forces, or as fragmented or marginalized, what you do is you open up a whole new world of excuses. And when Sartre talks about responsibility, he's not talking about something abstract. He's not talking about the kind of self or soul that theologians would argue about. It's something very concrete, like you and me talking, making decisions, doing things and taking the consequences. It might be true that there are six billion people in the world and counting; nevertheless, what you do makes a difference. It makes a difference first of all in material terms, it makes a difference to other people, and it sets an example. In short, I think the message here is that we should never simply write ourselves off and see ourselves as the victim of various forces. It's always our decision who we are.What I think is helpful here is that it isn't doubted that a person is a product of their experiences, but still points out that everybody still needs to be responsible for themselves. Sure, we don't get any choice about how we were brought up, but blaming our problems on our parents or the government isn't going to solve any of our problems.
This afternoon I watched Richard Linklater (Slacker, Dazed and Confused, School of Rock)'s film Waking Life. It's about this guy who appears to be dreaming (the film's pretty surreal), and has philosphical discussions with various people.
The film is actually made up of animations, based on footage shot on digital camera. (The technique's called rotoscoping.)
One philosphical idea that is brought up is the idea of free will. This monologue sums up a lot of stuff I think needs to be considered when thinking about free will:
In a way, in our contemporary world view, it's easy to think that science has come to take the place of God. But some philosophical problems remain as troubling as ever. Take the problem of free will. This problem has been around for a long time, since before Aristotle in 350 B.C., St. Augustine, St. Thomas Aquinas, these guys all worried about how we can be free if God already knows in advance everything we're going to do. Nowadays, we know that the world operates according to some fundamental physical laws, and these laws govern the behavior of every object in the world. These laws, because they are so trustworthy, they enable incredible technological achievements. But look at yourself. We're just physical systems too, right? We're just complex arrangements of carbon molecules. We're mostly water. And our behavior isn't going to be an exception to these basic physical laws. So it starts to look like whether its God setting things up in advance, and knowing everything you're going to do, or whether it's these basic physical laws governing everything, there's not a lot of room left for freedom.Any thoughts in response?
So you might try to just ignore the question, ignore the mystery of free will, and say, oh well, it's just an historical anecdote, it's sophomoric, it's a question with no answer, just forget about it. But the question keeps staring you in the face. Think about individuality for example. Who you are is mostly a matter of the free choices that you make. Or take responsibility. You can only be held responsible, you can only be found guilty, or you can only be admired and respected for things you did of your own free will. So the question keeps coming back. And we don't really have a solution to it. It starts to look like all our decisions are really just a charade.
Think about how it happens. There's some electrical activity in your brain, your neurons fire, they send a signal down into your nervous system, it passes along down into your muscle fibers, they twitch, you might reach out your arm. It looks like it's a free action on your part, but every part of that process is actually governed by physical laws, chemical laws, electrical laws, and so on.
So now it starts to look like the big bang set up the initial conditions, and the whole rest of human history, and even before, is really just the playing out of subatomic particles according to these basic fundamental physical laws. We think we're special. We think we have some kind of special dignity, but that now comes under threat. That's really challenged by this picture.
So you might be saying, well, wait a minute. What about quantum mechanics? I know enough contemporary physical theory to know it's not really like that. It's really a probabilistic theory. There's room. It's loose. It's not deterministic. And that's going to enable us to understand free will. But if you look at the detail, it's not really going to help because what happens is you have some very small quantum particles, and their behavior is apparently a bit random, they sort of swerve, their behavior is absurd in the sense that its unpredictable, and we can't understand it based on anything that came before. It just does something out of the blue according to a probabilistic framework. But is that going to help with freedom? I mean, should our freedom be just a matter of probabilities, just some random swerving in a chaotic system? That starts to seem like it's worse. I'd rather be a gear in a big deterministic physical machine than just some random swerving.
So we can't just ignore the problem. We have to find room in our contemporary world view for persons with all that that entails. Not just bodies, but persons. That means trying to solve the problem of freedom, finding room for choice and responsibility, and trying to understand individuality.
Well, I'm only moving about two hours away, to Batmania, but John wrote on the invitations to our party that we're both moving 'away far far away'.
Spent the morning yesterday and today cleaning and packing. Moving out on Thursday.
Last night we had the party, at John's, which featured a discussion about how people would evolve a brain that they only use 10% of. I think Hendo suggested that it might have been so they'd look less stupid. (My answer is that I don't really care.)
Also, Bonnie and Ash walked to John's place from town (and got lost a couple of times) because they'd never been to Wendouree before and didn't know how far it was.
'Adam Bored'
Been looking at a series of SHAG (Josh Agle) pictures that tell the story of Adam and Eve. It's called Before the Eviction.
Entries from Wikipedia are going to be available in print from soon, particularly so that people in developing countries can benefit from them. Article at Yahoo! News. (Guess who owns Wikipedia?)
Today's All Souls Day, so I've read up on it a bit. Apparently today some people pray for people that have died, to try and make sure they get into Heaven. According to some people this is heretical, and that it has pagan origins. I'm not sure it's heretical (I could be wrong), although I do think the Catholic doctorine relating to Purgatory is reasonably dodgey.
Anyway, one of the reasons I'm not sure that it's heresy is that the scriptures say Jesus 'went and preached to the spirits in prison who disobeyed long ago when God waited patiently in the days of Noah while the ark was being built.' (2 Peter 3:19-20) So perhaps prayers for the dead would influence how they respond to Jesus preaching? Anyway, I don't think it's definitely heretical. I also don't know particularly much about it.
As for the pagan origins, I think that perhaps we should better acknowledge that Christianity has had a lot of pagan influences as well as Jewish. Same sort of thing as I was talking about yesterday, about being familiar with our spiritual ancestory.
'Saint Teresa' by François Gérard
Been reading a bit about Teresa of Avila, because it's All Saints Day.
Teresa of Avila was a Spanish mystic. When she was a kid she wanted to run away from home so she could get martyred:
I used to discuss with my brother ways and means of becoming martyrs, and we agreed to go together to the land of the Moors, begging our way for the love of God, so that we might be beheaded there.In 1534 she did run away from home and became a nun. She was often sick. While she was sick she would experience periods of spiritual ecstacy. Around 1556, her friends came to believe that she was possessed by demons. They managed to convince Teresa, and for a long time she tortured herself because of this.
Originally uploaded by shadowplay.
Today a lot of Western Christians observe All Saints (the Eastern Orthodox had it earlier in the year), when they remember the Christians who were around before them, particularly marytrs.
For me this is a reminder that in most Evangelical churches we don't seem to have much connection to our spiritual ancestors, and I think that's a pity. So I'd like to encourage people to find out a bit more about their spiritual ancestors, whoever they happen to be. If you do, please blog about what you find, so I can link to it.
Tomorrow's All Souls Day, so I'll probably post some thoughts about that as well.
'Saving Elmo' is a series of photos of an old Elmo toy that estherase found in the street, and fixed up.
Live such good lives among the pagans that, though they accuse you of doing wrong, they may see your good deeds and glorify God on the day he visits us.Read this the week before last, but didn't blog about it, because it was part of a listening-to-God thing I was doing with the people from Retro and Baptist church in Pleasant Street, because they're starting to consider new directions. We weren't supposed to talk about what God might have been showing us during the two weeks of listening, so we wouldn't influence each other. Patrick asked me to take part in it because I was involved with Retro a bit, earlier in the year.
(1 Peter 2:12)
Tab's posted some stuff she's been learning about the Puritans:
The Puritans are commonly seen as bigoted fundamentals and extremists, which many were, but they begin simply as devoted and radical believers who wanted to see a return to biblical traditions in the church.Kevan linked this Observer article about the New Puritans:
A generation of young, educated and opinionated people determined to sidestep the consumerist perils of modern life. So if you own a 4x4, spend all your time shopping, or are simply overweight - watch your back. Lucy Siegle meets the moral minority aiming to mend our ways...And Ditch Monkey (apparently he lives in a ditch) seems to be saying he actually isn't a New Puritan:
Over the past few days I have been accused of being a ‘New Puritan’...
On Thursday afternoon next week I am going to go to the airport (hopefully the right one this time), from there I am going to fly to Barbados, once there I am going to go surfing, get drunk, chase girls, dance like an idiot, eat too much, hire a motorbike...
On Friday night we alpha tested Samurai, an RPG that Nic and Stack made up, which is loosely based on feudal Japan. It was very good, considering that it was the alpha test.
If anyone wants to test it out, Nic's posted the rules here, in the RPG section of the new Reality is Overrated Forum.
Updated rules
Updated setting
Martial arts
Yesterday when we got to Batmania, we spent at least half and hour trying to find somewhere to park. We eventually parked at Security Parking, on the same block as the Museum of Victoria. $10 all day. This is the (rather amusing) ticket:
Just found out tonight that I'm going to Batmania tomorrow and not Thursday, so I can't go to Nic's Faustoberfest. Me and John are going to the Immigration Museum (historically immigration's been very important in our country, particularly Batmania), having lunch at Urban Seed, and going to the Forge Postcards event.
More about it all tomorrow night probably.
Been reading Colossians. My mentor Michael's been reading it too, and reckons one of the main things he's found from reading it this time around is that the Christ needs to be at the centre of our spirituality (2:6-20). Michael reckons that two things that can distract Christians from the Christ are obsession with rules:
Since you died with Christ to the basic principles of this world, why, as though you still belonged to it, do you submit to its rules: 'Do not handle! Do not taste! Do not touch!'? These are all destined to perish with use, because they are based on human commands and teachings.and obsessive pursuit of spiritual experiences:
(Colossians 2:20-22)
Do not let anyone who delights in false humility and the worship of angels disqualify you for the prize. Such a person goes into great detail about what he has seen, and his unspiritual mind puffs him up with idle notions.He thinks it's these things that usually stuff us Christians up.
(Colossians 2:18)
Read Sin City #2 A Dame to Kill For at the library yesterday. Sin City is a series of urban noir-style comics, which have recently been adapted into a film. I decided I wanted to look at the comics before seeing the film.
Darren's posted a discussion paper on the film here at Digital Orthodoxy.
Really impressed by the drawing style, but the plot didn't interest me very much. Seemed like just a generic femme fatale story. Dunno, maybe some of the others are better. Sin City, Frank Miller, comic, noir, femme fatale
Been reading Acts. I find these bits amusing:
Seated in a window was a young man named Eutychus, who was sinking into a deep sleep as Paul talked on and on. When he was sound asleep, he fell to the ground from the third story and was picked up dead.(Don't worry he gets resurrected.)
(Acts 20:9)
'You are out of your mind, Paul!' he shouted. 'Your great learning is driving you insane.'
Acts 26:24
SwarmSketch is a game where many users get to contibute one line each to a drawing, and vote on how visible other contributors lines should be. There is a new picture each week. Today's topic is 'bird flu'.
'An enemy is a friend waiting to be made; that's the only hope for this conflict-ridden world.' - Desmond Tutu
Tonight at the writers group we talked a bit about Australia's big cats. We also talked a bit about the possibility of diprotodonts in Western Australia, but they haven't been in the tabloid.
This bloke ^ from Noble Park (where I lived longer than anywhere else) reckons he shot a big cat near Sale. This article says it might have actually been a really really big feral cat.
An old(er) post by Fernando from his Desk:
...the most common response is either naive acceptance, or reactionary rejection of culture. By contrast, we should approach our culture open both to find what is good and reject that which is not, on the basis of familiarity with Christ and with the practice of faith...Read the whole post here. Also check out Matt Stone's post about Daniel and how we measure missional success.
Yesterday Centrelink cut my allowence again. I became extremely angrified at this yesterday morning when I went to my bank account and found it empty. Luckily I found $2 on the footpath, and was thus able to get to uni and also to deangrify myself significantly.
Went in there today and they said it was because I hadn't gotten my parents to fill in a form which I was never sent in the first place, because they think I still live at my old address, even though I told them I'd moved at the start of the year and filled the form you're supposed to fill out when you move. So because they ahve no record, they reckon I just didn't notify them.
Exactly the same thing happened last year. Centrelink is really good, but it is also quite crap.
Last night we (Reality Writers) had a gig (Night on the Tiles) at Grainery Lane and made lots of money, so it looks we are going to publish an anthology of stuff we've written this year.
It turned out that the MC we got for the gig was the brother of a girl I went out with in year 12.
I read bits from my ¿novel?, Prochorus. Some of us also did a radio-play style reading of Hendo's Nerd Diaries #9, because he refused to read anything.
After the readings, 23rd of Elvis (their guitarist is from Snog) played and this guy threw an armchair at them.
Interesting review at The Program. Eve's Memory part of a trilogy of plays by Duncan Graham, based on stories from Genesis. It's about an Adam and Eve who believe themselves to be the last people on Earth. Read the whole review here.
Lexi's written a good post about the mystery and beauty of faith:
Sometimes I wish I were a witch, or a wiccan like my sister so I’d have lovely stories of mystery and beauty of nature - sacred rituals in the small clearing of the wood - describing the underside of a sparrow’s wing - believing in the earth, her cycles, the seasons and the winds.Read the whole post here.
I've just been reading Anthony's Scrambled #3 ($2.50 at Rediscovery, Sturt St, Ballarat) about his pen leaking on the plane, because of the lower air pressure.
Then a couple of pages later Anthony says something about dipping his pen in Coke on the plane to Vancouver.
Then I thought, People are probably getting less stuff than they think they are! Because of the low air pressure, the Coke (or any other beverage) would be less compressed and if the Coke had been served on the ground! Aaaaargggh!
Originally uploaded by zaido.
Another place we visited on our city walk last week was Crown Casino. Unfortunately they wouldn't let us in, because they reckoned Erin wasn't old enough, and she didn't have ID on her. So we stood in the foyer and read this piece of scripture:
Jesus sat down opposite the place where the offerings were put and watched the crowd putting their money into the temple treasury. Many rich people threw in large amounts. But a poor widow came and put in two very small copper coins, worth only a fraction of a penny.So it looks like Jesus reckons it's awesome that this woman is putting all her money in. But when we look at this scripture, we don't often look at the bit that comes before:
Calling his disciples to him, Jesus said, 'I tell you the truth, this poor widow has put more into the treasury than all the others. They all gave out of their wealth; but she, out of her poverty, put in everything—all she had to live on.'
(Mark 12:41-44)
As he taught, Jesus said, 'Watch out for the teachers of the law. They like to walk around in flowing robes and be greeted in the marketplaces, and have the most important seats in the synagogues and the places of honor at banquets. They devour widows' houses and for a show make lengthy prayers. Such men will be punished most severely.'Jesus definitely doesn't undervalue the poor widow's offering. He says that she put in more than anyone else.
Jesus sat down opposite the place where the offerings were put and watched the crowd putting their money into the temple treasury. Many rich people threw in large amounts. But a poor widow came and put in two very small copper coins, worth only a fraction of a penny.
Calling his disciples to him, Jesus said, 'I tell you the truth, this poor widow has put more into the treasury than all the others. They all gave out of their wealth; but she, out of her poverty, put in everything—all she had to live on.'
(Mark 12:38-44)
Posted by Christop at 3:01 pm
Labels: Crown Casino, Jesus, Mark's gospel, Mission Exposure, money, poverty, scripture, Urban Seed
Originally uploaded by Zimbo.
To you, O Lord, I cry. For fire has devoured the pastures of the wilderness, and flames have burned all the trees of the field. Even the wild animals cry to you because the watercourses are dried up, and fire has devoured the pastures of the wilderness.This reminds me that we are in fact fortunate when 'crap' stuff happens, because it means we turn to God. Truly, the poor, the weeping, et cetera are blessed, because it's easier for them to find God.
( Joel 1:19-20)
In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till thou return unto the ground; for out of it wast thou taken: for dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return.Just finished reading Northern Lights
(Genesis 3:19)