Tuesday, October 18, 2005

My friends at Centrelink

Yesterday Centrelink cut my allowence again. I became extremely angrified at this yesterday morning when I went to my bank account and found it empty. Luckily I found $2 on the footpath, and was thus able to get to uni and also to deangrify myself significantly.
Went in there today and they said it was because I hadn't gotten my parents to fill in a form which I was never sent in the first place, because they think I still live at my old address, even though I told them I'd moved at the start of the year and filled the form you're supposed to fill out when you move. So because they ahve no record, they reckon I just didn't notify them.
Exactly the same thing happened last year. Centrelink is really good, but it is also quite crap.


David said...

I hear ya man!!!

Taqwa said...

This is why *I* got a job.

Instead of going to uni.


Tab said...

Ah. Ok. Thats not very cool. Soz to hear about it.I still like them though.

Christop said...

I like them too, but I also don't like them.