Saturday, February 05, 2005

Wild at Heart

This book deals with the West's masculinity crisis, focusing on Christian men.
In other words, it looks at why so many men are bored with church, doing work they hate and afraid of getting close to their life-partners. It looks at why so many of us have become almost lifeless, and how we can get our lives back.
It's the best book I've read so far this year.


Tab said...

I read it early last year. As a woman, it was way helpful to understand men better, and also how to treat them! Its good too to understand what their temtations and frustrations are, so as to not lead them into sin.

Trav said...

An extremely important book that has helped me a lot

Anonymous said...

Nice site Christop...

I've read that one. I liked most of it... I think in the wrong hands it could be quite dangerous though.

It is, at least I reckon, directed at married guys. For single guys in the young adults bracket I think some of the poetic stuff in it was a bit too encouraging in terms of finding a 'beauty to rescue'. I went through it with a few guys and we found ourselves getting a bit too gladiatorial in thinking about finding a beauty to rescue. I guess the key is trying to appreciate the concept without feeling the need to act on it.


Christop said...

Yeah, I agree.
I was also a bit concerned that the writer might have been a bit obsessed with war.