Sunday, August 07, 2005

Head Beetle

Yesterday me and Trav and Craig (Trav's brother) went down to Warrnambool to talk to people who want to be involved in the Scripture Union mission there.
We were using the Presbyterian church's building, and their elder was there when we got there.
I'd met him before, so I said, 'Hi, you're the elder aren't you?'
'Yes,' he said, 'I'm the Head Beetle.'
We spent much of the day trying to work out why this guy had said he was the beetle. We even messaged Chris and asked if it was some kind of Presbyterian tradition.
Eventually we were told that he was actually the beadle, which means he has to carry this great big Bible into the chapel at the start of the church service.


Trav said...

I still like my theory that all the elders play beetle on friday night and whoever wins gets to be the head bettle and also gets to set up the church building.

Christop said...

This is a variation of the beetle game.