We've gotten a mention in The Age:
Tomorrow, a group calling themselves "a G20 Christian Collective" will begin a 60-hour vigil outside the Grand Hyatt demanding "tickets" to the summit on behalf of those excluded from it.We've also been mentioned in the Herald Sun and Australian.
The group - which includes teachers, lawyers and church ministers - will set up a temporary "embassy" and some will consume nothing but rice and water for the duration.
Going down there now.
you and your fellow members of the deluded rabble are ignorant idiots - G20 outcomes will create sustainable wealth, and will help the environemnt and the poor a damn straight more that you outmoded christian nonsense and whimsical notions of peace, love and mungbeans.
I heard them talking about you on the 10am news bulletin on 774 ABC too. There's quite a hype around you.
Oh, and to the person above, sustainable my arse.
Yeah, we were also on the TV news quite a bit, apparently.
Anonymous (I presume you're one of Andrew Bolt's mates), I'll respond to you when I've had a bit of sleep. :)
At least your protest was peaceful....i assume it was...
did you have any success in getting your message across?
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