'early quantum state phenomenon'
Velma from randomness blogs about something she got from an episode of Joss Wheldon (creator of Buffy the Vampire Slayer)'s space western, Firefly:
See I think too many times we try so hard to force the Bible to make sense. We try to compartimentalize it and dumb it down so we can make it fit into what we want it to say. We want it to say things that we already understand so we don't have to change. If we can change the Bible up enough then it will not require me to do anything.I've been thinking along similar lines recently from starting to read John Shelby Spong's A New Christianity for a New World
(full post here)
Uhh, this could just be me, but isn't the whole bible-y/Supernatural thing by nature inexplicable by science? (yet at least anyway).
Of course, it *is* a very sensible way of thinking, since given enough time and study, science will eventually figure it all out.
Just because it can't be explained, doesn't mean that you shouldn't believe it... Faith doesn't always fit into neat boxes that you can file away and force to fit into your life...
I think this Spong guy is a nutter!
If you can only believe the explainable and logically rational of the Bible then why would you believe any of it at all.
To us God should be unexplainable and logically irrational.
He is God and not a mere human like us, if you try to think of him in human terms you will always miss the mark by miles.
God is mysterious,as in we can't totally work Him out, that is one of his many great wonders.
Imagine if I could send a message to J.S.Spongs spiritual ancestors of 1000BC describing a day in the life of a person with all the technological trimmings as of yesterday (2005). What a shock to hear the response "Its silly to believe any message from that distant era that cant be explained scientifically and rationally and logically ". This would tell us far more about the mind of that person than to comment on the validity of the message. Go ahead, read Spongs irrational take on the bible, but look at the passages of scripture carefully in their context, that he mentions, and let them speak for themselves to see if they are as he takes them to be. Has he reached his destination before going on the journey?
I wouldn't call Spong a "nutter". To call someone nuts b/c they have a differnet theology to u is very dangerous. Just look @ history - However I do belive that his view of God and salvation, sin and redemption is horribly flawed. Still not willing to call him a nutter.
Yeah, Spong's pretty smart. I think the reason he's reached some of his conclusions (ones I disagree with him on) could be that he's a modernist and a humanist.
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