Monday, April 04, 2005

Democratic church service

Yesterday my dad was leading the singing at his church, and one of the songs he'd been told they'd be singing was 'May this Be a Place'. Some of the lyrics include, 'May this be a place where everyone can feel at home,' and 'May this be a place where people can be free to pray.'

Dad asked the congregation to vote on whether 'May this be a place where everyone can feel at home' should be changed to 'May this be a place where everyone can feel at home as long as they behave appropriately and don't smoke out the front of the building.' The congregation voted unanimously in favor of not changing this lyric.

The Dad asked if they'd like to change 'May this be a place where people can be free to pray' to 'May this be a place where people can be free to pray as long as they don't hold their hands in the air or pary in tongues.' Once again the congregation voted unanimously in favor of leaving the lyric as it was.

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