Thursday, June 30, 2005

Stealth idols

When the Israelites were wandering in the desert, and were attacked by snakes, YHWH got Moses to make a bronze snake. Everyone who looked at it was cured of snakebite. (Numbers 21:4-8)
However, the Israelites eventually ended up worshipping the bronze snake, and King Hezekiah had to destroy it. (2 Kings 18:1-4)

It seems as though a gift or tool can become an idol, even though it's good and God has given it to us. We can end up putting our faith in these things, instead of in God, who gives them to us.
It's possible for us to idolise buildings, music, scripture, particular forms of church. In the emerging church we're just as much at risk of this. We're just as susceptible to idolising postmodernity as our predecessors were to modernity. Any ideas about how we can avoid this?

1 comment:

kelgell said...

Keep our eyes fixed on the True Source. Things can become an idol when we lose perspective and begin to think and believe that its the things that are providing the good stuff.